Cultures of Science

Pour sa 56e conférence, PhiloSitué-es (anciennement « Fillosophie ») a le plaisir d’accueillir Karen François (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) pour une conférence intitulée "Cultures of Science".

La présentation aura lieu le vendredi, 7 octobre à 14 h, au local W-5215 de l’UQAM (455 boulevard René Lévesque).

Résumé de la conférence : In this lecture I will start with an overview of my research career and my research output to take you to the topic of ‘Cultures of Science’ from my own perspective and my background in philosophy of science. Central question I have to deal with, as a teacher in the Ba and Ma in Philosophy, and in managing support for young researchers (as the director of the doctoral training), is “How to deal with diversity”. As a first concrete example, I will introduce you on how my research topic ‘Politics of Mathematics’ became an interesting background knowledge to apply to the support of young researchers in offering a variety of scientific methods. As a second example of dealing with diversity and offering good practices for education and training I will introduce my fascination and my research on ethnomathematics. This takes me to the core topic of my current research ‘Woke mathematics’ or how to deal with diversity in mathematics education.

Pour trouver plus d’information sur la conférence, veuillez consulter l’événement Facebook ou notre site web.

Nous espérons vous y voir en grand nombre !

L’équipe PhiloSitué-es

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vendredi 7 octobre 2022
14 h à 17 h

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UQAM - Pavillon Thérèse-Casgrain (W)
W-5215 (Département de philosophie)
455, boulevard René-Lévesque Est
Montréal (QC)

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