«Semicarbazide-derived peptide mimicry in the development of treatment for amyloid and cardiovascular diseases» par Pr William Lubell

Nous vous invitons à la conférence du Pr William Lubelli, du Département de Chimie à l'Université de Montréal. La conférence aura pour titre : Semicarbazide-derived peptide mimicry in the development of treatment for amyloid and cardiovascular diseases. 

Résumé de la présentation : The consequences of substituting nitrogen for the central alpha-carbon of an amino acid in a peptide have been studied by the synthesis of so-called azapeptides. The resulting semicarbazide analog exhibits enhanced amide Brønsted acidity and Lewis basicity favoring hydrogen bonding. Moreover, pyramidalization of the amine in the aza-amino amide enables dynamic chirality. Presenting such phenomena in the context of translational research, this seminar will feature advances in studying beta-sheet assembly and disruption towards promising agents for early detection and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, topological mimics of peptide turn conformations havebeen examined as allosteric modulators of receptors vital for cardiovascular function.

Bienvenu à tous !  

clockCreated with Sketch.Date / heure

jeudi 5 septembre 2024
11 h à 12 h 15

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UQAM - Pavillon de Chimie et Biochimie (CB)
2101, avenue Jeanne-Mance
Montréal (QC)
