Séminaire Cirget: «Hyperbolic primitive/Seifert knots in the 3-sphere»

Conférencier: Sungmo Kang  (University of Texas at Austin and Chonnam National University)

Résumé / Abstract:A knot k in the 3-sphere is primitive/Seifert if k lies in a genus two Heegaard surface of the 3-sphere bounding handlebodies H and H' such that k is primitive in one handlebody, say H', and Seifert in H, which means that 2-handle additions H[k] and H'[k] to H and H' respectively along k yield a solid torus and a Seifert-fibered over the disk or the Mobius band respectively. Such knots are of some interest because they have Dehn surgeries yielding Seifert-fibered spaces and knots with such Dehn surgeies are not well understood. In this talk, we provide the classification of hyperbolic primitive/Seifert knots in the 3-sphere. This is a joint work with John Berge. 

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vendredi 22 novembre 2019
11 h à 12 h

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UQAM - Pavillon Président-Kennedy (PK)
201, avenue du Président-Kennedy
Montréal (QC)

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