Séminaire du CIRGET: «Dehn surgery on knots in S3»

Conférencier: Duncan McCoy, UT Austin

Résumé/Abstract: One of the simplest ways of constructing 3-manifolds is through Dehn surgery. Given a knot in the 3-sphere, we perform Dehn surgery by cutting out a tubular neighborhood of the knot and gluing back in another solid torus. As well as being of intrinsic interest, Dehn surgery has a variety of applications in low-dimensional topology. The development of Heegaard Floer homology has led to a recent flurry of progress on Dehn surgery problems. I will discuss a variety of topics, including lens space surgeries, alternating knots with unknotting number one and characterizing slopes, to illustrate this progress. In particular, I wish to show how results from Heegaard Floer homology can be combined with older geometric techniques. 

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vendredi 18 janvier 2019
11 h à 12 h

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UQAM - Pavillon Président-Kennedy (PK)
201, avenue du Président-Kennedy
Montréal (QC)

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