Séminaire LACIM: «What is beyond D-finite?»
Conférencier: Igor Pak, Université de Californie à Los Angeles
As classes of GFs go, we tend to know more about smaller classes than larger ones, think of the progression from rational to algebraic to D-finite to D-algebraic GFs. The positivity adds another twist on these classes, bringing a host of new problems. In this talk, I will review some classes of GFs that are of interest in Enumerative Combinatorics but remain understudied, emphasising both larger classes and positivity properties.
Date / heure
vendredi 13 septembre 2024
11 h
UQAM - Pavillon Président-Kennedy (PK)
201, avenue du Président-KennedyMontréal (QC)
- Samuele Giraudo
- giraudo.samuele@uqam.ca
- https://lacim.uqam.ca