Séminaire Spécial LATECE: «4 conférences de la délégation ATLANSTIC 2020 (France) pour le prix d'une»

Chères et chers,

Dans le cadre d’une visite du consortium de recherche Français ATLANSTIC 2020, relié à une initiative régionale en “Recherche, Formation, et Innovation en Pays de Loire”, nous accueillerons le 9 Octobre une délégation de chercheur.e.s issu.e.s de 4 laboratoires :

(LARIS: http://laris.univ-angers.fr et LERIA: http://blog.univ-angers.fr/leria/, d’Angers, LS2N: https://www.ls2n.fr de Nantes, et LIUM: https://lium.univ-lemans.fr, du Mans).

Le but de la visite est d’explorer les possibilités de collaboration entre, d’un coté, les laboratoires sus-mentionnés, et de l’autre, le LATECE ou d’autres groupes de recherches de l'UQAM.

À cette occasion, le séminaire du LATECE se tiendra de 11:30 à 14:00 h, durant lequel nous aurons 4 présentations pour le prix d’une (30 minutes chaque, incluant la période questions).

Le programme préliminaire:

Heure: 11:30 - 12:00 Conférencier: Guillaume Fertin, Université de Nantes

Titre: Theoretical Computer Science and Applications in Bioinformatics 

Résumé : Walk on your Two LegsRésumé: I will present a small sample of the activities of the ComBi (Combinatorics and Bioinformatics) group at LS2N, University of Nantes.Doing that, my goal is to show that methodology is highly important in modern bioinformatics, and therefore should not be underrated – or, even worse, ignored. In particular, using clever (possibly ad hoc) data structures and designing fine-tuned algorithms (e.g. on sequences, on graphs) is essential in this domain. Doing so, one can provide fast, scalable and reliable software solutions. I will illustrate the above by different examples, namely problems arising in mass spectrometry, genome rearrangements and metagenomics

Heure:12:30 - 13:00 Conférencière: Dalila Tamzalit, L2SN, Université de Nantes

Titre:Towards Sustainable Software

Résumé : an architecting approachRésumé: Designing, developing and maintaining qualified software systems, with a satisfactory longevity and reasonable costs has always been a major challenge. This issue is even more crucial and riskier in today's fast-moving, complex and multi-user environments. In this presentation, I’ll present an approach that aims at enabling software systems to be easily and intrinsically responsive to the need for changes. The approach relies on two fundamental principles: (1) making architectures inherently adaptable/adaptable by design, and (2) architecting software adaptability and evolution as a separate concern from other architectural concerns. In particular, I use architectural and meta-modelling approaches to different architectural styles to separate architectural concerns, and I illustrate the approach on the migration of legacy systems towards SaaS multitenant and micro-services architectural styles.

Heure: 13:30 - 14:00Conférencier: Jean-Baptiste Fasquel, Université d’Angers

Titre : Image content understanding, Structural information and Graphs.

Résumé:Image content understanding remains a tedious task in various application domains. During past decades, most interpretation algorithms have focused on feature based techniques involving description vectors to be managed using machine learning techniques. Relationships between entities composing scenes have been often ignored although they bring useful information about the structure of images. In this talk, we will discuss about the relevance of such relationships (spatial, geometric, photometric…) and their exploitation using approaches that can be based on inexact (hyper)graph matching. These aspects will be illustrated using particular applications, mainly related to medical image analysis. Perspectives concern the coupling of such relationships with deep learning, as shortly discussed at the end of the talk.

Heure: 13:30 - 14:00 Conférencier:Anthony Larcher, Université du Maine

Titre: à venir:

Résumé: à venir

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mercredi 9 octobre 2019
11 h 30 à 14 h

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UQAM - Pavillon Président-Kennedy (PK)
201, avenue du Président-Kennedy
Montréal (QC)

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