Why Stay Together? State Nationalism and Territorial Accommodation in Plurinational States

Dans le cadre de cette conférence, organisée par le Groupe de recherche sur les sociétés plurinationales (GRSP), Daniel Cetrà, chercheur au Centre on Constitutional Change, nous présentera les nationalismes étatiques dindien et espagnol.


My current research focuses on the conceptual and comparative study of state nationalism, defined minimally as the constant reproduction and promotion of the nation by state elites and institutions. First, I will sketch the main findings of my work comparing the way party elites in the UK and Spain discursively construct the nation and justify state integrity in the face of resurgent Catalan and Scottish demands for self-determination and independence. Second, I will present my latest article, co-autored with Wilfried Swenden, comparing varieties of state nationalism and dynamics of territorial accommodation in Spain and India. The article proposes a typology of four ‘ideal types’ of state nationalism: dominant, integrationist, composite, and plurinational. It then moves on to compare party elites’ understanding of state and nation in Spain and India during two critical junctures: their founding constitutional moments and more recent episodes of change associated with the Catalan question in Spain and the rise of the BJP in India, respectively. Our analysis underscores how varieties of state nationalism inform the nature and evolution of the territorial constitution. 

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jeudi 25 février 2021
10 h à 12 h

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